• administracion@modernclean.co
  • Horario: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Modern Clean

Costos más bajos

- Reduce los costos anuales de servicios hasta en un 50 %
- 60~90 días de producto por cartucho
- El servicio de limpieza pasa menos tiempo en las habitaciones.

Modern Clean

Menos desperdicios

- Elimina más del 90 % de los servicios de un solo uso
- 1 ml regulado de producto por pulsación elimina el consumo excesivo
- No tirar botellas y barras parcialmente usadas.

Modern Clean

Clientes satisfechos

- Es más probable que los viajeros se queden en un hotel que practica la sostenibilidad
- Los invitados no tienen que llamar a la recepción para obtener más productos.
- Producto de alta calidad con un aroma limpio y sutil.

Modern Clean Modern Clean
días de producto



Simplemente levanta el panel frontal y cambia la botella en apenas 10 segundos

  1. Recarga hermética, sanitariamente sellada, sin parabenos, sin riesgo de contaminación cruzada y consumo controlado sin merma.
  2. No requiere mantenimiento, solo una rápida sanitización de tu personal de housekeeping.
  3. 60~90 días de producto por cartucho.
  4. Dispensadores en comodato.


The best team to
clean your surrounding area.

Our office cleaning division prides itself on delivering exceptionally high standards in all our cleaning contracts and we understand all our customer needs.

Anna Green

House Cleaner

Thomas Pual

Office Cleaner

Liana Rob

Carpet Cleaner

How do I make a checklist for a cleaning service?

Bedrooms, living areas and other rooms
  1. Dust furniture tops, sides and fronts.
  2. Vacuum and/or mop floors.
  3. Clean glass surfaces and mirrors.
  4. Wipe window sills and blinds.

How do you clean efficiently?

Fast House Cleaning Tips
  1. Clean the whole house, not one room at time
  2. Gather all your cleaning tools in a caddy.
  3. Clear the clutter.
  4. Disinfect countertops and surface areas

What are the benefits of cleaning?

 Surprising Health Benefits of a Clean Home
  1. It Keeps You Mentally Healthy
  2. It Pests Keep Away.
  3. The Home is Inviting.
  4. Tips For Keeping Your Home Clean.
Modern Clean


Take a look of our Pricing and
select Your Choice




  •  Profetional Cleaner
  •  Windows Cleaning
  •  Kitchen Cleaning
  •  2 Bathroom Cleaning
  •  Roof Cleaning
  •  Government Facilities




  •  Profetional Cleaner
  •  Windows Cleaning
  •  Kitchen Cleaning
  •  2 Bathroom Cleaning
  •  Roof Cleaning
  •  Government Facilities

Keep your vision to our latest projects.

Everything melancholy uncommonly but solicitude inhabiting projection off. Connection stimulated estimating excellence an to impression. Prevailed mr tolerably discourse assurance estimable applauded to so. Him everything melancholy uncommonly but solicitude inhabiting projection.

Modern Clean
  • 22 Baker Street,
    London, United Kingdom,
    W1U 3BW

  • +44-20-7328-4499

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It's all about the humans behind a brand and those experiencing it, we're right there. In the middle performance quick.

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